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[Tea utensils/tea ceremony tools, iron kettle] Large Rankai iron kettle, copy of Baisen, made by Hannya Kankei
Regular price 254,100 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
[Tea utensils/tea ceremony tools Matcha tea bowl] Copy of Kenzan, Yariume, made by Kotoge Kuzuyoshi, Tanzan Kiln
Regular price 165,000 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
[Tea utensils/tea ceremony tools Sukiya bag (Sukiya bag)] Extra large size New Sukiya bag Pure silk Ume Guangdong
Regular price 14,017 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
【茶器/茶道具 扇子 干支「巳」】 干支扇子 男子用/男性用 6寸 黒染 黒骨 紅白梅に稚児蛇 裏面:千家十職 (干支巳 御題夢) (干支 巳・蛇)
Regular price 2,112 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
【茶器/茶道具 色紙掛け/短冊掛け】 色紙短冊掛 掛軸タイプ 上 筋風帯 利休梅裂又は独楽繋 表千家又は四季七宝 玄々斎 裏千家又は雲鵬裂 裏千家 地色はお任せください。
Regular price 13,200 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
[Tea utensils/tea ceremony tools Matcha tea bowl] Copy of Ninsei, Plums on the Waves, by Tezuka Daiji (Momoyama Kiln)
Regular price 48,400 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
[Tea utensils/Tea ceremony lid rest] Shippo ware plum blue or yellow by Kii Jin, choose from two types
Regular price 9,377 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
[Tea utensils/tea ceremony tools/incense] Incense sticks (incense sticks) Umegaka, premium quality, made by Kyukodo, 20g
Regular price 2,200 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
[Tea utensils/tea ceremony tools hanging scroll (kakejiku)] One line, a plum blossom and a bud of incense, by Fukumoto Tsuneo
Regular price 39,600 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
[Tea utensils/tea ceremony tools Matcha tea bowl] Four sides, white glaze, flowing water, plum or chrysanthemum, made by Nakamura Seisai
Regular price 5,544 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
[Tea utensils/tea ceremony tools old cloth] Pure silk Rikyu plum (old cloth, old cloth, old cloth, old cloth)
Regular price 4,532 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
【茶器/茶道具 抹茶茶碗&天目台&仕服 利休忌】 3点セット 利休形 天目台 真塗り&天目茶碗 新油滴天目 塗布塗り&天目仕服 波上梅緞子又は白紬地金襴
Regular price 31,878 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
[Tea utensils/tea ceremony tools, colored paper hanging/strip hanging] Colored paper strip hanging Rikyu plum crack or colored paper hanging Top crack
Regular price 10,000 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
[Tea utensils/tea ceremony tools, sweets utensils] Dried sweets utensils (dried sweets tray) Umekaede tray, pair, with legs, made by Yasumoto Hyoutansai
Regular price 61,600 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
[Tea utensils/tea ceremony tools, tea box tools, tea wrapping cloth] Three-piece set of tea wrapping cloth, pure silk, Rikyu plum scattered satin
Regular price 10,912 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
〇【Tea utensils/tea ceremony tools, colored paper hanging/strip hanging】 Colored paper strip hanging, hanging scroll type, Karamatsu or Rikyu plum or top connection
Regular price 5,104 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
[Tea utensils/tea ceremony tools hanging scroll (kakejiku)] One-line painting inscription: One-leaf incense, by Sato Bokudo; Plum blossom painting, by Higashiyama Satoshi
Regular price 43,868 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
[Tea utensils/tea ceremony tools Natsume (thin tea utensils)] Akoda tea utensils (Akoda tea utensils/Akoda tea utensils) Body: Cherry wood Lid: Plum wood
Regular price 21,450 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
【茶器/茶道具 茶入(お濃茶器)】 肩衝茶入(肩付茶入) 瀬戸釉 仲川竜次作 仕服:四君子 梅縞 正倉院孔雀紋 吉祥紋蜀江錦 大黒屋金襴 二人静 藤種 縞笹蔓金襴 菊花鳳凰文
Regular price 13,343 円Regular priceUnit price / per -
[Tea utensils/tea ceremony tools old cloth] Pure silk Karamono cloth, Shoba weave, Shoba Rikyu spilled plum pattern, Rikyu brown or yellow, made by Kitamura Tokusai (made by Kitamura Tokusai) (484 pieces) (old cloth, old fukusa, old bagusa, old bagusa)
Regular price 8,800 円Regular priceUnit price / per