Buriburi incense box recommended for New Year

What is a Buriburi incense container?
This incense holder is often used during the New Year holidays.
It was a children's toy from the Edo period. It was shaped like an octagonal mallet and had images of cranes, turtles, old men and women painted on it. Small wheels were attached to it and it was played with by dragging it around.
It is also said that the word comes from a toy that was used to hit a ball during the Heian period, called "buiburigikkyo" or "tamaburiburi," which was a toy with a string attached to it.
The grooves are thought to be remnants of holes where strings were attached.
Nowadays, they are also displayed indoors during the New Year as a talisman to ward off evil spirits.
Items preferred by the sixth head of the Omotesenke school, Kakukakusai, are also on sale.

Click here for the Furifuri incense box sold in our store

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